I'm a member of the WPJA and each quarter they have a contest. You can read all about it on their website.
Here's my entries for this quarter. I'll keep you posted!
I'm a member of the WPJA and each quarter they have a contest. You can read all about it on their website.
Here's my entries for this quarter. I'll keep you posted!
I'm sorry if you've tried to reach me and couldn't. I'm currently in Dallas with my oldest daughter and her BB Team, The Slammers playing in the BCI State Tournament. We are headed home tomorrow and I'll post more pictures when I finish downloading the cards.
I'll return calls and emails starting Wednesday.
that's the best way to describe it.
these two are very "spicey" together! They are totally the best of friends, so in love they can't keep their hands off each other, and so fun to watch bounce off of each other. Toby is a "competitive" type of guy, and being married to one, I love to watch them interact with others. They are extremely strong natured and disciplined, yet total puppy dogs when it comes to the women they love.
Will post more later on next week. I've got a bride named Macy that desperately needs her gallery to go up tonight. Of course, password protected until the wedding.
For now... a few of my favs. Thanks you two! I had a fun time getting to know you and watch the two of you together!
I don't think I'm fully recovered yet, but I just had to get the fabulous memories I shared with the Nix and Zachry Families up on my blog. I drove back this afternoon with roses and candels and kisses on the brain. I had such a great time!
It was such a wonderful celebration with smiles GALORE! So much fun to share and so many family and friends.
It started with an AMAZING rehearsal dinner, bigger than many receptions I've witnessed and that's when I knew that this couple was going to have a BIG wedding. Saturday, 7 PM arrived and the Frist Baptist Church in Midland was packed in the middle with little room to spare. So many family and friends came to share in such a wonderful celebration. I love that Casey and Allison made time for each and everyone of them, as exhausting as that may have been, I don't think they would have had it any other way.
View the complete sneak peek, HERE.Casey and the boys enjoyed a round or two of golf on a beautful clear day! Enough clouds in the sky to keep the sun at bay.
Flowers were quite lovely and I had the chance to play with a few in one of the sunday school rooms. Doesn't take much to make these babies look good.
Allison is such a sweet person. She found the time in the busy days of planning a wedding to personally hand write thank you notes to those in her bridal party. And heart felt, sincere notes at that. She's just that type of person and I think one of her traits that Casey admires. He was heard telling the "boys in the boys room" that he knows it's right. "She's such a blessing to him." Melt my heart!
The amazing gown! All the way from New York!Allison a second before walking down that long ailse.
Okay, I can't wait any longer and since she's going to married today by the time this post publishes, I'm sharing! I don't get to post brides on the blog much and I was so thrilled with this session, I told myself that when the wedding was over, I was posting.
It was very difficult to make myself photograph more than just the back. It fit her so well, it just had a shape about it that worked and then, for the train to just "melt into the floor" like a puddle of butter, well, I loved it. Oh, and don't forget the girl in the dress, she sure knew how to pose. (with a little egging on from the watchers and shooter! HA!)
You totally ROCK, Allison!
I visited the Cohen family before I left for Midland on Friday. I'm happy to report that Rachel still has her hair! It's a dark, deep brown and her eyes are definitely blue. She was having a bit of a tummy ache, but still managed to steal my heart and make me feel all good about the world again.
Big Brother Ross was AWESOME as usual and such a cutie! Watch out class of 2020! This guy will be such a Player! LOL
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