my cousin's BIG FAT CATHOLIC WEDDING! finally....
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Valerie Hanson and Mike Hubbard
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Green Bay, WI
reception at The Rock Garden
Parents of the Bride: Jerry and Cheryl Hanson
Parents of the Groom: Bill and Stephanie Hubbard
Bridesmaids: Monica Hanson
Laura Hanson
Jen Miller
Melissa Hubbard
Groomsmen: Bill Hubbard
Dave Holewinski
Tony bouche
Kyle Hanson
Cute adorable little people: Lydia Hanson and Cameron Maier
Florist: Jessica Kaczmarek
Personal Attendant: Brenda Dierschke
Band/Dj: Burce Marshall
officiant: Msgr. Jim Dillenburg
videographer: Randy Kostichka
Finally! I've been so swamped with reprint orders, wedding edits, and just plain LIFE, that I haven't had the chance to blog Valerie and Mike's BIG FAT CATHOLIC WEDDING! So, without no further WAIT, here it is!
Valerie's signature color was Tiffany Blue in my book, but I think I head the term, Pool Blue. Maybe so, but cute either way, and the girls all had toes to match!
These sisters are TIGHT, so plenty of hugs, laughter and just a few tears. I think they seriously happy that Valerie was moving out so there's extra room for them! But shhh....they love her all the same.Walking to her house one last time as a single girl! OH, my gosh!
Monica is the one with cold hands, which come in handy when a bride is getting hot.
This is Mike, her handsome groom. Such a great guy! They met in High School, but it took a bit for Valerie to totally fall for this one. Her Dad gave a great speech at the wedding about how she really studies things before jumping in and joining. She definitely studies Mike and after some time, realized he was for her. He was looking quite handsome that day!
But he has nothing on this little guy! oh, my gosh! I just love his teeth and eyes! Too cute!
I still can't get over Val in this dress! AMAZING! I totally got a Grace Kelly sort of vibe every time I saw her. LOVE it!Remember the tears I mentioned? Yep. About 10 minutes before the walk down.
I love this shot of Dad and her before she left the brides' room.
LOVE it!Too cute! Seriously these two are so cute we should just go ahead and stuff them with fluff and sale them at the fair! Oh, my gosh! (In my best WI accent!) LOL
After the vows and pronouncement, everyone cheered and clapped! So great!They had a receiving line immediately after the ceremony. Because of the rain, they couldn't do the dove release they wanted to do. Which caused me of course to immediately wonder why? Other birds fly in the rain. I mean, they find their way home, why not doves? Hmm....good one to ask a bird man if I ever meet one again.
So, the receiving line would wear anyone out, but during it I grabbed this shot of Valerie's Grandpa resting from all the hugs and greetings.Adorable Lydia. Enough said.
Okay, this is Devin's (my husband) Grandmother and Valerie's Great Grandmother. She made the dress Valerie wore for her daughter Claryce. She died several years ago, but she too was married on the same date and in this gown. Well, Cheryl, Valerie's Mom, married on the same date and in the gown as well. I loved that Valerie did too! And it fit so well. Simply gorgeous. So, I had to get a quick portrait for Ida Lee. It was pouring rain, but I stepped outside and shot through a doorway. I call this tunnel lighting, and it's my favorite type of lighting. The light just kisses the face and is so smooth and pretty.
Mike's quickly earning points from me here! During the signing of the license, he kept kissing Valerie's hand and it was so sweet!
She so had her heart on heading to the park and taking photographs, but with the rain and an heirloom dress, we didn't dare. Instead? Find a cubby with a great view of the outdoors. LOLLove the light in this cake shot! It was from candles and with my 50 1.2.
Bucking the "clanging glass you shall kiss tradition", Valerie and Mike opted to have stories told or songs sung and just anything done by guests to embarrass them selves and then they would kiss. It was so much fun! This shot below is of Kyle, Valerie's brother and some of his friends singing "can you feell the love tonight" from the Lion King. Remember the part about Simba being doomed? They ad libbed and it was too cute! They had the place rollling!The first dance lit with a video light.
Getting the party started!Okay, I never caught this kids name, but he was enthralled with my "light stick". I use a wireless transmitter to fire off my flash to make the lighting more interesting and get it off the camera. Well, he so wanted to help me and carry my light pole. He must have had a HUGE starwars vibe going, I think, but the dude was pretty good at it.
This is David and Davida, my inlaws. When my flash boy was busy, I tried out a new lighting technique of having the subject hold the pole with the flash pointed at them. Turned out pretty good and usually got people to laugh!
You can actually see the pole in this shot. This is Kirk and Jill who were flower girl and ring bearer at Cheryl and Jerry's wedding! Too funny!
See! I think this really works. Who needs an assistant? Seriously. LOL (just teasing Steph!) Actually, at this wedding, my cousin Jill helped out TREMENDOUSLY. She was dancing with my pole all over that floor! And managed to fire it in the right direction a time or two.
this is us attempting a self portrait. Okay, remember Benjamin? From Brenda's family session? Well, this is my new attempt at "project art" while attending receptions. I call this "adventure of running boy at wedding". What do you think?
Portrait of Don and Claryce on their wedding day. You can see how Valerie decided to wear a different head piece but the gown unchanged. I love old photos!Jill and "too tall".
I love this shot! Jill and I wanted to see what would happen if we stuck the pole under Valerie's dress. She looks like a bell! So much fun!