macy + mark
I made it back from Roswell! And I had a wonderful time. Well, except for driving back to the hotel from the reception. I had rented a car to drive over and did not have my usual "navigation" system. On the way out to the reception location, I followed the crowd from the church, but most people had left by the time I left, so I was on my own. I really thought I remembered the way, but alas...30 minutes later, I'm still driving in the dark looking for the lights of town, and on an empty tank! I made it OK, or otherwise I wouldn't be typing this, but gosh! I was stupid not to know my way. Of course, NM ain't the greatest at marking their roads.
On to the details!
I took this photograph to remember just what Roswll as the dairy capitol of. The Southwest. Hmm....I never did see many cows. Saw plenty of alien figures, but no cows. I'll take their word for it though.
Macy had a beautiful day to get married! Lovely pretty clouds. Not the kind that carry rain, but the pretty.
This is Macy's granmother and the reception was held at her home. She came to the salon to "hang out" with the girls and seemed to be reflecting on the night the come. The anticipation of all the guests celebrating at her house. Gosh! How exciting! (and how much work.)
I love this shot of Macy's veil! I love long veils and how the capture the light and just seem so elegant!
Macy looked amaing!
This little flower girl, Lilly, took a bit to warm up, but once she did, I couldn't keep my lens off of her! How soft and adorable she is!
And her big brother Liam was not so bad himself! Handsome dude!
Macy's parents were so excited for Mark and Macy! I grabbed this shot a few moments before the ceremony.The church had amazing light! It streamed through directly to the altar! I loved it!
It was a wonderful evening and so many family and friends drove out to celebrate the day! They danced and danced and I think there were still a few live bodies on the dance floor when I left around 11'ish or so.
Congratulations Macy and Mark! You can view the rest of their photographs by clicking HERE. I put a sneak peek up today. The remainder will be ready within a month!
Thanks so much for making me feel so welcome.