oh, dear
It's my "new catchphrase". Thanks to Kyle and Amanda, (and Kyle's entire family!) I'm addicted to those words. They work in almost any situation and will take the place of "sweet" or "snap" for positive words, and when in a jam and worried, "oh, gosh". I love it!
We had an amazing wedding to photograph Saturday night! (I refer to me and my dear 5d as "we" even though Stephanie was there, too. More on that later.) First Church looked amazing, of course, and Shirley from Celebrations did the flowers. She really did an amazing job!
Celebration 1702 Buddy Holly Ave # B Lubbock, TX 806-744-9454
I hope this information is correct. I just googled it really quick. But I'm curious. How does someone NOT have a website in this day and age? Or at least a blog! Shirley, if you are reading this, please start a blog. Very simple and easy and people can see your work. Or if you do have a website and I just don't know it, please email me because I would love to brag about you and share you with my clients. (I have the best clients, you know....) gosh, enough gabbing, I'll just share the photographs and you can enjoy yourself.flowers from the bride's breakfast. Kori, the groom's sister did this for Amanda and her girls. Very yummy croissants.
This is Lauren, Amanda's sister and she was perfect for the job of flower girl. She loved it! The flowers, the dress. She was very patient and just had a ball! That was until Kori leaned over and said goodbye at the reception and she thought that meant she was leaving, not Kori. Oh, gosh! She burst into tears! It was so sweet and sad at the same moment!
The amazing stained glass of First United Methodist Church. Gosh! I never get tired of it!
Amanda's veil was hand crafted by her maid of honor's mother. She did a wonderful job, and I should know...I see veils all the time.
Thomas, from Sally and Jared's wedding, did the hair. And he did great as usual! And he's always so calm. Perfect for brides.
"diving into" the dress!
Kyle and Amanda saw each other before the ceremony. He waited in the sanctuary for her and was a bit nervous, but i think more annoyed with me than anything. I wouldn't leave the camera out of his face for a second, and he probably wanted to slap me, but eventually he just ignored me.
Kori will probably curse the ground I limp upon for posting this, but I'm doing it anyway because many of you can totally relate to this moment. Ring bearer is usually not as interested in the wedding as the flower girl and this is typically what happens before he is supposed to walk down the aisle. NOT THAT HARRISON IS TYPICAL! The dude is far from typical. But come on! It's hard to be good all day and then have folks telling you to be quiet. Heck, it's hard for me. Main reason I grab a camera is to keep my mouth shut. LOLAmanda having a "moment" before walking down. Dad quickly calmed her. She's ready to be married but she kept telling me all day that the one thing that she was worried about was that walk down the aisle. If I know anything about Amanda, it's that she doesn't prefer the attention at all. LOL
How beautiful is this! Lovely ceremony.
Okay, now for the "more" on Stephanie. I met her at a volleyball tournament and she's a freak. Camera wise, personality wise, EVERYTHING. And when she asked if she could join me during a wedding, I of course jumped at the chance! She's perfect to have along and keeps things fun. We thought Kyle and Amanda would love this little shot from the balcony. At First Church, photographers aren't allowed to photograph inside the sanctuary after the bride is handed off to the groom. Seriously, you have to stay at the back. Which i hate! I much prefer the faces to the rear of folks, but hey, rules are rules. And I'm not ready to break them here at this church. Or any church for that matter. At least not yet.
The view of the sky moments after the "I do's".
They held the reception at the Lubbock Country Club and it was sooo lovely and festive! A really great Celebration!
I love this shot of Kyle and his mom, Pamela. Kyle, I think she loves you more than Zuess. This shot proves it. LOL
This little dude ROCKED. Or at least I thought he did, that was until I realized he was selling his skills on the dancefloor. Yep. If you wanted to dance with this "swifty" you had to pay him. So desperate, wall flowers, don't worry. You too can dance the night away....for a price. LOL
Congratulations you two! I had a wonderful time celebrating with you!!!!
OMG...These pictures are truly amazing...You did a FANTASTIC job. Amanda and I arrived safely in Mexico, only six hours late, a blown out tire, a pit stop in some Mexican hacendia town that had deer roaming the run way. Oh Dear and Tiny Baby Jesus were mentioned often as we were concerned what the "Fedirolas" might do to us. Finally the capitan got his credit card back after refueling the 737 and we were on our way again. Bet that cost a pretty penty, and no I didnt get off the plane to try and help negotiate!
We have more exciting stories...We just had to look at the pics as Mom and Dad said they were wonderful! Talk to you when we arrive home!
Incredible photographs by an incredible photographer...but FREAK? Huh? I'll just wear that title with honor. :) Thanks for letting me tag along. Too bad you didn't include your 5d in on the karaoke contest. haha.
oh, dear! I'm scared for the two of you now that I read your reply! The "tiny baby jesus" part had me spewing my diet coke though, I must confess! I got a good "visual" on that one and it still has me cracking up!
This is just a quick sneak peek, you two. The rest will take a bit. GOSH! I shot more than I ever have! And honey, that's a lot.
Steph...I almost posted again when I reread what I wrote from my phone. You do know in the Bednarz household that FREAK and GOOBER both are high compliments. Anything that intices emotion and passion, A++. And you do! You definitely do!
Who do you think won that karoke contest? And Kyle and Amanda, so you know what I'm talking about, Steph and I hit the bar after your "shing ding" and gosh, some of West Texas folk should never be amplified!
ta ta
I think it was a toss up between the Neil Diamond wanna-bee and the George Strait junkee...the women were hands down better..and I'm not just saying that :).
And further more, Goober is a truly terrific compliment. Now I just need you to start saying "Good Corn" instead of "Oh Dear". Good Corn evokes much more emotion...and stares. Try it tomorrow at the video store...I dare ya.
OH dear....!!!! I am not sure what we are even typin on the Mexican computer! These unknown Mexican words make it a challenge to post and read.
So, they tried feeding us raw beef....AND, we forgot our camera...So from now on, we have decided you will go on all our vacations as official photographers.
We are staying at the nicest hotel or resort I have ever seen. So, that should tell you a lot. They have better beds than any Westin...They are more than Heavenly.
OMG...Our parents are reading this as well as other close friends.
We are on our way home. About to head for the airport. A fabulous honeymoon and now back to work. Work, what we do best!
I missed the wedding and was supposed to be there....but your pictures make me feel like I was there. This honeymoon sure does sound interesting though!!
Hey, Jennifer! I see you all the time on the Slaton Blogs! You missed a fun one! I'll have the rest up soon and I'll make sure you see them. (or kyle and amanda will)
What a beautiful wedding and you did an amazing job, as always!
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